Computer Vision and

Image Understanding


Special Issue on Visual Concept Detection



Guest editors:

Bart Thomee, Yahoo! Research, Spain

Mark J. Huiskes, Leiden University, Netherlands

Michael S. Lew, Leiden University, Netherlands


Important dates:

***Submission of manuscript: 15 November 2011 (extended due to numerous requests)***

First notification of acceptance: 1 March 2012

Revised manuscript submission: 1 May 2012

Final notification of acceptance: 15 June 2012

Publication of special issue: Fall 2012



One of the grand challenges in multimedia information retrieval is automatic visual concept detection. This special issue calls on researchers that aim to raise the bar with novel approaches and techniques. All contributions are welcomed that address the topic of visual concept detection using the MIRFLICKR image collection, which is a popular large-scale open test benchmark. This issue provides an excellent venue to publish high-quality work on novel ideas and insights that will significantly advance the state of the art.



The special issue centers around the MIRFLICKR-1M image collection for the visual concept detection challenge. This set consists of one million images from thousands of real world users that were published to the Flickr social photography website under a creative commons license. To facilitate training and testing a subset of the collection has been carefully annotated by hand. The dataset can be obtained from It is at the discretion of the authors to use the collection in its entirety or only partially.


Besides the annotations already supplied with the dataset, the ImageCLEF organization has additionally defined 99 concepts and 40 topics that can be expressed as a logical combination of these concepts. Their custom MIRFLICKR collection is available to registered participants of the ImageCLEF Photo Annotation task. Please refer to for more details on this dataset. Results based on the ImageCLEF annotations are within the scope of this special issue.



All submissions for this special issue are required to follow the same format as regular Computer Vision and Image Understanding papers. Manuscripts must be submitted through the CVIU online submission system at Please ensure to select 'Special Issue: Visual Concept Detection' as the 'Article Type'. All manuscripts should contain at least 30% original material. When submitting a manuscript that is an expanded version of a conference or workshop paper, this prior paper must be included as 'Supplementary Material' during submission. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed according to the CVIU reviewing procedures.



If you have any questions, please contact Bart Thomee at