Welcome to MIR2008 The ACM
International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval is a premier
scientific meeting for discussing the latest advances in the area of multimedia
retrieval. All papers in the main track must be high quality original papers
which address important issues in multimedia exploration, summarization and
retrieval including, but not limited to: Exploration of media archives -
browsing, experiential computing Brave New
Topics Session - emerging frontier theories and applications in MIR. Invited
Speakers Prof. Thomas S. Huang , University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign Prof. Shih-Fu Chang, Columbia University Prof. Ramesh Jain, University of
California, Irvine Conference
Poster: View http://press.liacs.nl/mir2008/mir08poster.pdf Post
Conference Summary This year we
received 308 unique full paper submissions of which 262 papers were selected
by the organizing committee for the double-blind peer review process. Based upon the peer reviews of the
program committee, 21 percent or 56 papers were accepted for the scientific
research track including both oral and poster presentations. The response
from the scientific community was overwhelming. The initial conference seating was sold out early. With the help of Prof. El-Saddik and
the Pan-Pacific Hotel, we were able to switch to a space more than double the
original size; and we still had only standing room left. First and
foremost, thanks and appreciation goes to all of the organizers and community
members of the previous MIR, CARPE, and VSSN related workshops for their
ground breaking work and support.
Research communities and conferences require strong foundations and in
our case we could draw from a rich history of related activities. The support and involvement of Kiyo
Aizawa, Mark Zhang, and Alberto del Bimbo contributed significantly to the
international and cross-community appeal of this meeting. We are also
grateful to all of the members of the program committee and the additional
reviewers. Their reviews of the submissions played a pivotal role in the
quality of the conference. Moreover, Erwin Bakker and Alberto del Bimbo did
an excellent job in organizing the enormous double-blind peer review and
paper selection process. The paper
review and decisions tasks were distributed between the program chairs to
ensure no conflicts of interest.
Mark Huiskes and Mark Zhang did excellent work in the critical mission
of having the conference run smoothly. Finally, we greatly appreciated the support of the ACM SIGMM through Klara Nahrstedt and Nevenka Dimitrova. Best wishes, Michael Lew on behalf
of the ACM MIR2008 Organizing Committee |