PhD, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
Research - short version
My research lies in the field of artificial intelligence with a primary focus on the area of deep learning. I develop new deep learning algorithms toward understanding large databases and libraries of information by learning synergistic methods using multiple modalities within multimedia including but not limited to vision, audio and text. The goal is to bring to light all of the information in the world and at the same time automatically be able to detect misinformation (e.g. fake news).
Research - longer version
My research is toward developing artificial intelligence (AI) and currently focuses on the paradigm of deep learning.
Artificial Intelligence is the most promising paradigm to help society. Major breakthroughs are expected in the near future in a numerous important areas of society (e.g. medicine, automatic self-driving vehicles, fake news detection, robotics, etc.) but only with access to very large datasets.
In many areas, the datasets exist but scientists do not have access. An example I am often asked by medical researchers: what it would take to have expert level classifiers for well known diseases and cancers. My reply is usually that one needs access to a very large dataset of examples. These datasets exist already at many research hospitals around the world. However, the datasets can not be used for training the deep classifiers due to privacy reasons. In my opinion, while it is important to develop AI to detect diseases and cancers, it is even more important to protect human privacy rights. Currently, there is no easy answer for the dataset access issue and each country is wrestling with the tradeoff of privacy vs scientific advances in their own way.
My current research is exploring how to both find information and also how to detect false information. Both are necessary to a modern information retrieval system. Because humans want to express their search queries using high level human concepts, the grand challenge in multimedia retrieval has been "bridging" the semantic gap which is the gap between the high level concepts of humans and the low level features from multimedia. For a specific example, the problem of image classification is especially important because it can bridge the semantic gap by taking an input image and outputting human level concepts. If we can solve the semantic gap, then it would make all of the collected art/heritage, scientific, WWW and personal images searchable and accessible. Furthermore, there is major interest in explanation based modeling which seeks to give better understanding of the underlying reasons and causes involved in deep network decisions.
Misinformation is one of the key 21st century problems and manifests in many different ways. "Fake News" is perhaps the most well known type and has affected areas from medicine (dangerous treatments for COVID) to politics (unfounded claims of election fraud). Misinformation also occurs in more subtle ways such as intentionally misrepresenting someone's viewpoints such as taking a small part of a discussion and presenting it as the main viewpoint. The context is important. Other modern ways in which misinformation is happening is with misrepresentation of authorship (see ChatGPT) and plagiarism. Part of my current research examines methods of detecting fake information using deep learning.
Research Grants (ongoing as of December 2020)
- Computer Aided Medical Diagnosis Using Big Data - NVIDIA, CSC, 1 PhD
- Data Mining on High Volume Simulation Output - NWO, 3 PhDs
- Deep Visual Understanding of Paintings and Pictures - NVIDIA, CSC, 1 PhD
- Making Sense of Illustrated Handwritten Archives - NWO, 2 PhDs, 1 postdoc
Influential People
Activities (selected)
- Opening Keynote Speaker at the 10th IAPR Neural Networks and Pattern Recognition Meeting, 2022
(IAPR is the largest pattern recognition scientific society worldwide)
- One of the 10 most cited papers in the history (out of 18 thousand papers) of the ACM SIG Multimedia, [weblink] (ACM SIGMM Digest, Sept. 2017), The MIR flickr retrieval evaluation, [ACM SIGMM PDF screenshot], December 2019
- Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (IJMIR), Springer, London | IJMIR homepage
Additional info for IJMIR is also here
- Best Paper Award: 23rd International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling, On the Exploration of Convolutional Fusion Networks for Visual Recognition, 2017 [link]
- Best Teacher in Computer Science at Leiden University - this is voted by students and then nominated also for best teacher in the Faculty of Science, 2018, [Nomination for Faculty of Science - I represented the CS dept.]
- Most cited deep learning research paper in the journal, Neurocomputing [Archive link] (2nd highest Google Scholar Impact over all neural network journals worldwide), 2018
- Best Paper on List of 100 Top Multimedia Papers of the ACM SIG-Multimedia, 2008 (ACM SIGMM Record)
- Most cited multimedia research paper worldwide in the highest impact multimedia journal (from ISI Web of Science, Thomson-Reuters), 2009
- Most cited multimedia research paper in the 2008 ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval, The MIR flickr retrieval evaluation, 2008
- Most cited multimedia research paper in the 2010 ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval, New Trends and Ideas in Visual Concept Detection, 2010
- co-General Chair (with Kiyo Aizawa and Shinichi Satoh) of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) | Archive, Japan, 2018
one of the top conferences in graphics and multimedia worldwide - CCF ranking
- Member of the ACM SIGMM Retreat (planning future of SIGMM)
- Published over a dozen books and 190 peer-reviewed scientific articles
- ACM SIGMM Executive Committee Member, 2013-2016 [Archive]
- Most downloaded paper in Neurocomputing Journal. Deep learning for visual understanding: A review, June 19, 2016 [Archive]
- 3rd most downloaded paper from ACM SIGMM. DeepIndex for Accurate and Efficient Image Retrieval, March 2016 [Archive]
- ACM SIGMM Multimedia Steering Committee Member (1 of 6 members), 2011-2013 [Report at SIGMM] | [Archive]
- General Co-Chair of the IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Shanghai, 2010
- Invited Speaker, ACM International Workshop on Connected Media, Florence, 2010
- Invited Speaker and Panelist, ACM Multimedia Information Retrieval Conference, Philadelphia, 2010
- Chair of the Steering Committee for ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 2009- [cached]
- Keynote speaker for the 9th International Conference on Visual Information Systems - VISUAL 2007, 28-29 June 2007, Shanghai, China [ cache]
- General Chair of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval, Vancouver, Canada, October 30-31, 2008
- Chair of the Steering Committee for International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval - CIVR (jointly held by ACM, IEEE & IEE), 2007-
- co-chair with John Eakins, 2002-2006
- Chair of the ACM SIGMM Multimedia Information Retrieval Steering Committee, 2003-
- Advisory Committee Member for TRECVID 2003-2006. TRECVID was founded as an independent evaluation in 2003.
- Co-Chair of the ACM Multimedia Technical Awards Committee, 2005
- Chair Professor at Tsinghua University - The Chinese MIT, Beijing, China (2003 and occasional visits until 2014)
- Organizing/Steering Committee Member for the Masters in Media Technology Program at Leiden University, 2001-2006
- Biography selected by the editors for Who's Who in the World, (Marquis 26th Edition)
- The New York Times on Marquis Whos Who
University & Department Positions
- co-Head of the Imagery and Media Research Cluster - One of the 4 research themes in the Computer Science (CS) dept.
- Chair, LIACS MSc Education Committee
- Member (and 2nd chair) of the Board of Examiners (ExamenCommissie) - oversees the quality of all CS dept. courses (until 2014)
- Member of the Curriculum Committee - guides the direction and content of the CS dept. courses
- Member of the Organizing Team for the LIACS Research Seminar
- co-Director of the LIACS Media Lab - advises and guides research and teaching in multimedia technology within the CS dept.
- Member of the LIACS Scientific Council - steering committee for all research in the CS dept.
Deep Learning Publications - Recent (At this weblink are some tips for starting points and a nice taxonomy is at CNN Taxonomy)
- A memorizing and generalizing framework for lifelong person re-identification, IEEE TPAMI, 2023
- Deep Learning for Instance Retrieval, IEEE TPAMI, 2022
- COCA: COllaborative CAsual Regularization for Audio-Visual Question Answering, AAAI, 2023
- Lifelong Fine-grained Image Retrieval, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022
- Feature Estimations based Correlation Distillation for Incremental Image Retrieval, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2021
- Lifelong Person Re-Identification via Adaptive Knowledge Accumulation, CVPR - IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2021
- Integrating Information Theory and Adversarial Learning for Cross-modal Retrieval, Pattern Recognition, 2021
- Multi-Stage Hybrid Embedding Fusion Network for Visual Question Answering, Neurocomputing, Volume 423, 29 January 2021, Pages 541-550
- New Ideas and Trends in Deep Multimodal Content Understanding: a review, Neurocomputing, Volume 426, 22 February 2021, Pages 195-215
- Dual Gaussian-based Variational Subspace Disentanglement for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
, ACM MM - Int. Conf. Multimedia, 2020
- SWAPGAN: A Multistage Generative Approach for Person-to-Person Fashion Style Transfer, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2019
- Bag of Surrogate Parts Feature for Visual Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 20: 1525-1536, 2018
- CycleMatch: A Cycle-consistent Embedding Network for Image-Text Matching, Pattern Recognition, volume 93, 2019
- Learning visual and textual representations for multimodal matching and classification, Pattern Recognition, volume 84: 51-67, 2018
- A comprehensive evaluation of local detectors and descriptors, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Volume 59, November Pages 150-167, 2017
- Deep Binary Codes for Large Scale Image Retrieval, Neurocomputing, 2017
- Deep learning for visual understanding, Neurocomputing, 2016
- Learning a Recurrent Residual Fusion Network for Multimodal Matching, ICCV - IEEE Int. Conf. Computer Vision, 2017
- On the Exploration of Convolutional Fusion Networks for Visual Recognition, MMM -- International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling, 2017, best paper award
- Improving the Discrimination between Foreground and Background for Semantic Segmentation, ICIP -- IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, 2017
- Learning Relaxed Deep Supervision for Better Edge Detection, CVPR - IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2016
- Bag of Surrogate Parts: one inherent feature of deep CNNs, BMVC - British Machine Vision Conference, 2016
- DeepIndex for Accurate and Efficient Image Retrieval, ACM ICMR -- Int. Conf. Multimedia Retrieval, 2015
- Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, Springer, London.
- Editorial Board member for the Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments , 2008-2022
- Editorial Board member for the Computer Vision Journal, 2016-
- Editorial Board member for the Journal of Multimedia, 2005-2012
- Guest Editor for the International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval special issue on Concept Detection with Big Data, 2015
- Guest Editor for the Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding special issue on Visual Concept Detection (Volume 117, Issue 5, May 2013, Pages 451\96452), 2013
- Guest Editor for the ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Comm., and Apps Special Issue on Multimedia Information Retrieval, 2006
- Guest Editor for the ACM Multimedia Systems Journal Special Issue on Machine Learning Approaches in Multimedia Information Retrieval, 2006
- Guest Editor for the Image and Vision Computing Journal Special Issue on Human Computer Interaction, 2007
- Guest Editor for the ACM Multimedia Systems Journal Special Issue on Systems and Architectures of Multimedia Information Retrieval, 2005
- Guest Editor for the Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding special issue on Video Retrieval and Summarization, 2003
- Guest Editor for the Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding Special Issue on Similarity Matching in Computer Vision and Multimedia, 2008
- Book Editor, Principles of Visual Information Retrieval, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2001.
- Book Editor, Image and Video Retrieval (LNCS 2383), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002.
- Book, Robust Computer Vision, Kluwer (ISBN: 1-4020-1293-4), London, April 2003.
- Book, Proc. 5th ACM SIGMM Int. Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, ACM Press, New York, 2003.
- Book Editor, Image and Video Retrieval (LNCS 2728), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2003.
- Book Editor, Computer Vision in Human Computer Interaction (LNCS 3058), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2004.
- Book, Proc. 6th ACM SIGMM Int. Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, ACM Press, New York, 2004.
- Book Editor, Computer Vision in Human Computer Interaction (LNCS 3766), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2005
- Book Editor, Image and Video Retrieval (LNCS 3568), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2005
- Book Editor, Computer Vision in Human Computer Interaction (LNCS 3979), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2006
- Book Editor, Human Computer Interaction (LNCS 4796), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2007
- Book Editor, Proc. 1st ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval, ACM Press, New York, 2008
- Book Editor, Proc. of the 11th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia Springer, London, 2010
- Book Editor, Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, ACM, New York, 2018.
Conference Organization
- General Co-Chair of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, Japan, 2018
- Workshop co-chair of Future Directions in Digital Humanities, Lorentz Center, Leiden, 2017
- General Co-Chair of the IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Shanghai, 2010
- General Chair of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval - MIR2008, Vancouver, Canada, October 30-31, 2008, [ cache]
- Organizing Committee Member for the ACM Multimedia Conference, 2005, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017
- Organizing Committee Member for the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), 2018, 2019
- General Co-Chair for the IEEE International Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction 2007 - HCI2007
- General Co-Chair for the IEEE International Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction 2005 - HCI2005 , Beijing, China, October 15-21, 2005.
- General Co-Chair for the ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval - MIR2004 , New York, NY, USA, October 2004.
- General Co-Chair for the International Workshop on Human Computer Interaction - HCI2004 (in conjunction with ECCV'2004), Prague, Czech, May, 2004.
- General Co-Chair for the International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval - CIVR2003, Beckman Institute at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, July 24-25, 2003 (jointly held by IEEE & IEE).
- General Co-Chair for the ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval - MIR2003, Berkeley, CA, USA, November 7, 2003.
ACM Proceedings
- Program Chair for the International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval - CIVR2002, London, UK, July 18-19, 2002.
- Program Co-Chair for the International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval - CIVR2005, Singapore, 2005.
- Program Co-Chair for the International Workshop on Human Computer Interaction - HCI2006, Graz, Austria, 2006.
Scientific Conference Program Committees
- Program Committee Member for ACM-CIVR - International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, 2002-2009
- Program Committee Member for ACM-CMM - ACM International Workshop on Connected Multimedia, 2010
- Program Committee Member for ACM-CVDB - ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Computer Vision Meets Databases, 2004
- Program Committee Member for ACM-HCM - ACM Workshop on Human Centered Multimedia, 2006-2007
- Program Committee Member for ACM-ICIMCS - ACM International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and Service, 2012
- Program Committee Member for ACM-ICMR - ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 2012, 2017, 2018 (Best Paper Award Committee), 2018 (Best Multimodal Paper Award Committee), 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2024
- Program Committee Member for ACM-IMMPD - ACM Interactive Multimedia on Mobile and Portable Devices
, 2013
- Program Committee Member for ACM-MDM - ACM KDD Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining, 2006
- Program Committee Member for ACM-MIRW (workshop) - ACM Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, 2003-2007
- Program Committee Member for ACM-MIR (conference) - ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval, 2008-2010
- Program Committee Member for ACM-MM - ACM Multimedia, 2003-2008, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2022
- Program Committee Member for ACM-MMM - International Multimedia Modeling Conference, 2008-2009, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
- Program Committee Member for ACM-PAMUR - 1st International Workshop on Personality and Affect in Multimedia Retrieval, 2015
- Program Committee Member for ACM-SIGIR - ACM SIGIR Conference, 2009-2010
- Program Committee Member for CBIR - Workshop on Content-Based Image Retrieval: where have we been, and where are we going, held in conjunction with ICPR, 2020.
- Program Committee Member for CBMI - Context-based Multimedia Indexing, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
- Program Committee Member for CIRE - Context-based Information Retrieval for E-science (CIRE), 2013
- Program Committee Member for DMS - International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, 2005-2008
- Program Committee Member for ECCV Workshop on Web-scale Vision and Social Media, 2012
- Program Committee Member for FCST - International Conference on Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology, 2011
- Technical Committee Member for ICASSP - IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005
- Program Committee Member for ICETE - International Conference on E-business and Telecommunication Networks, 2005
- Program Committee Member for ICPR - International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2004
- Program Committee Member for IEEE-BigMM - International Conference on Multimedia Big Data, 2018
- Program Committee Member for IEEE-CVPR - IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2006, 2008
- Program Committee Member for IEEE-EMMA - IEEE International Workshop on Managing Data for Emerging Multimedia Applications, 2005
- Program Committee Member for IEEE-HCI IEEE International Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction, 2005-2009
- Program Committee Member for IEEE-ICCV - IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2007 (invited, review phase 1)
- Program Committee Member for IEEE-ICIP - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2003-2006, 2014
- Program Committee Member for IEEE-ICMCS - IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, 1999, 2009
- Program Committee Member for IEEE-ICME - IEEE Conf. on Multimedia and Expo, 1999-2008
- Program Committee Member for IEEE-ISM - IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, 2017
- Program Committee Member for IEEE-MMC - IEEE Conf. on Mobile Multimedia Computing, 2016
- Program Committee Member for IEEE-MMSP - IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 2011
- Program Committee Member for IEEE-PCM - IEEE/ACM Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, 2004-2007, 2010
- Program Committee Member for SPIE-Internet - SPIE Internet Multimedia Management Systems VI (IT108), October 2006
- Program Committee Member for SPIE-MCAMR - SPIE Multimedia Content Analysis, Management, and Retrieval, 2006
- Program Committee Member for SPIE-MCAAS - SPIE Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems IV, 2007-2010
- Program Committee Member for SPIE-SRMAM - SPIE Storage and Retrieval Methods and Applications for Multimedia, 2006
- Program Committee Member for TIDSE - International Conference on Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment, 2006
- Program Committee Member for VIP - Visual Information Processing, 2007
- Program Committee Member for VipIMAGE - First ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing, 2005-2007
- Program Committee Member for VISAPP - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, 2006-2008
- Program Committee Member for VISUAL - VISUAL - Conference on Visual Information Systems, 2003-2008
- Program Committee Member for WWW - International World Wide Web Conference, 2017
Representative Publications (over 180 peer-reviewed in ACM, IEEE, and LNCS)
Browse LIACS publications
- Content-Based Multimedia Information Retrieval: State of the Art and Challenges,
2210 in Google Scholar - Cache Oct.2013
- Michael S. Lew, Nicu Sebe, Chabane Djeraba, Ramesh Jain, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications,
vol. 2, issue 1, 2006, pp. 1-19.
-> New ideas and paradigms in multimedia information retrieval
- The MIR FLICKR Retrieval Evaluation,
1655 in Google Scholar
- M.S. Lew, et al., ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR'08), Vancouver, Canada, 2008.
-> Discusses the important directions for future multimedia and computer vision test sets and introduces an open and consistently annotated image retrieval test set and evaluation approach
- Deep learning for visual understanding,
2120 in Google Scholar
- Y Guo, Y Liu, A Oerlemans, S Lao, S Wu, MS Lew, Neurocomputing,
vol. 187, pp 27-48, 2016.
-> describes the new paradigms in deep learning. It is currently the most cited article in the journal Neurocomputing
- Image Retrieval using Wavelet-based Salient Points,
209 in Google Scholar - Cache 1/2010
- M.S. Lew, et al., Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 10, No. 4, October, 2001, pp. 835-849.
-> Earlier version: "amongst the best submitted to the SPIE Conf. on Storage and Retrieval of Media Databases" - SPIE Program Committee
- A review of semantic segmentation using deep neural networks,
372 in Google Scholar
- M.S. Lew, et al., International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, Springer, London, 2018.
-> New ideas and research directions in semantic segmentation using deep neural networks
- Principles of Visual Information Retrieval,
273 in Google Scholar
- Michael S. Lew, Springer-Verlag, London, ISBN 1-852333-381-2, January 2001.
-> Covers the state of the art in visual information retrieval. It has been used in more than 7 universities worldwide including Columbia University (USA), Tsinghua University (China), etc.
- Next Generation Web Searches for Visual Content,
201 in Google Scholar - Cache 4/2010
- Michael S. Lew, IEEE Computer,
November, 2000, pp. 46-53.
-> Describes the ImageScape System which performs semantic multimedia searching on an index of over 25 million images covering the Web
- Learning and Feature Selection in Stereo Matching,
172 in Google Scholar
- Michael S. Lew, Thomas S.
Huang, Kam W. Wong, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
on Learning in Computer Vision, September, 1994, pp. 869-881.
-> This paper was about learning which features would be best for matching.
It also touches on a core interest of mine - to integrate methods from artificial intelligence into
computer vision and image understanding.
- The Distributed ASCI Supercomputer Project,
153 in Google Scholar - Cache
- M. Lew, et al., Operating Systems Review, 2000,
-> Describes the Netherlands distributed supercomputer
- Authentic Facial Expression Analysis,
470 in Google Scholar
- M.S. Lew, et al., Image and Vision Computing,
Vol. 25, No. 12, 2007, pp. 1856-1863.
-> Arguably the first evaluation on machine detection of authentic human emotions
- Toward Improved Ranking Metrics,
155 in Google Scholar
- M.S. Lew, et al., IEEE Transactions on
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
October, 2000, pp. 1132-1143.
-> Despite most papers assuming that noise is Gaussian, this paper shows that it is not!
- Comparing salient point detectors,
157 in Google Scholar
- M.S. Lew, et al., Pattern Recognition Letters,
24 (2003) 89\9696.
-> A nice evaluation of salient point techniques
- The State of the Art in Image and Video Retrieval,
132 in Google Scholar
- M. Lew, et al., Proceedings
of the International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR), Urbana, IL, 2003.
-> A VIR overview
- Information Theory and Face Detection,
76 in Google Scholar
- Michael S. Lew, Nies Huijsmans, Proceedings
of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vienna, Austria, August 25-30,
1996, pp. 601-605.
-> This paper contains one of the most surprising results I've seen
- New trends and ideas in visual concept detection,
411 in Google Scholar
- Mark Huiskes, Bart Thomee, Michael S. Lew, Proceedings
of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR), Philadelphia, USA, 2010.
-> Some insights into large scale semantic image retrieval
- Emotion Recognition Using a Cauchy Naive Bayes Classifier,
194 in Google Scholar
- M.S. Lew, et al., Proceedings
of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Quebec, Canada, 2002, pp. 17-20.
-> This paper is an early work on automatic emotion recognition
Publications in 2004
Older Publications
Selected Past Research Milestones
- My first IEEE Trans PAMI article (in the special issue on Learning in Computer Vision), 1994
- My first position as Chair Full Professor at Tsinghua (first contract), 2003
- My first General co-Chair service for the International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR), 2003
Recent Graduate Students (2016-)
- Kai He
- Mingrui Lao
- Nan Pu
- Wei Chen (graduated with Ph.D. on October 13th, 2021)
- Theodoris Georgiou (graduated with Ph.D. on September 29, 2021)
- Yu Liu (graduating with Ph.D. on October 24th, 2018) - Associate Professor, School of Information Science and Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, China
- Yanming Guo (graduated with Ph.D. on October 5th, 2017) - Associate Professor, College of Systems Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, China
- Song Wu (graduated with Ph.D. on December 22nd, 2016) - Associate Professor, Southwest University, China
Interesting Projects
Old Research Projects (funded)
- CSC - Multimedia Information Retrieval
- CSC - Visual Learning Using Big Data
- BRICKS Project (member of the project board) - Interactive Search and Browsing
- Cyttron (co-leader of the BioSearch Project) - Multi-modal imaging search
- Advanced Information Processing in Bioinformatics, NBIC Biorange IV - VL-e (investigator)
- VIRSI Project (project leader) - Computational Imagination for Intelligent Search
- Philips Research Project on Bio-Medical Analysis (project leader)
- Philips Research Project on Texture Analysis (project leader)
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Postal Address:
Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science
Leiden University
Niels Bohrweg 1
2333 CA Leiden
The Netherlands
Deep learning and multimedia retrieval
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Deep Learning Caption demo and publications
Publications (technical reports, preliminary work)
Content-based tag recommendation algorithms for unstructured data
Improving SIFT accuracy with use of perspective transforms
Improving the LSDh-tree for fast approximate nearest neighbor search
Information-Synthesis Network for Facial Landmarks Estimation
Preliminary Evaluation of CNN Classification by Objective Testers
Sub-Image Search Engine
Image Similarity Using Color Histograms
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ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval
ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, Glasgow, 2014 Web Archive
ACM TOMCCAP MIR Survey (vol. 2, issue 1, pp. 1-19, 2006)